The Divergent Party believes that the government of the United Kingdom must place the interests of the British people over and above the citizens of other nations.
We would like to see a simple controlled UK border that doesn’t allow economic migrants in, without a pre approved visa.
An Economic Migrant
Definition: a person who travels from one country or area to another in order to improve their standard of living.
There are good reasons not to accept economic migrants. This is better explained here in the video below. (Explained in gumballs, relevant to the UK also)
Reasons include; taking people who would be catalysts for positive change in their country of origin, doesn’t help these countries become better nations.
However, recognising that people have many different reasons to come to the UK, you would be able to come in most circumstances when.
1. You can provide for yourself during the full duration of your stay. (Students)
2. You have a job to come to and can afford accommodation for the duration of the work or minimum of 3 years (Workers)
3. You have a guarantor (Minimum 5 years) who is willing to bear responsibility for you financially.
4. You have insurance for your stay. (As not to further burden our NHS)
5. An acceptable criminal record history.
6. A level of English speaking (Not tourists)
You would have to have one, or even a mixture of a few in order to get a visa to enter the UK.
This includes tourist and anyone else.
UK citizens have an automatic right of entry.
A Refugee
Definition: a person who has been forced to leave their country in order to escape war,
persecution, or natural disaster.
The second a person reaches a place of safety they must claim refugee status in that country. Once they move past the point of safety, they stops being a refugee and becomes an economic migrant.
The only refugees we in the UK should accept will be via temporary agreement in managed facilities, or from the following neighbouring countries; Iceland, Norway, Denmark, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, France, Spain, Canada and Greenland.
Refugees should expect only the basic standard of living until established. They will be expected to contribute via work to the nation and allowed, only once self sufficient to apply to remain indefinitely. Should any Refugee break the law that would carry a prison term, they will have Refugee status removed and be sent back to the place of origin.
Refugee status may also be refused via a jury with clear evidence that the individual in question poses an imminent threat to the UK population.