You can not change your sex!
FACT! A biological male has multiple differences to a biological female.
Some of these differences can be altered with surgery.
However, some can not!
To be an effeminate man is fine.
To be a masculine woman is fine.
Consenting adults being Lesbian, Gay or Bisexual is fine.
To be and do what you feel like in the comfort of your own space.
Fine! Grand! All good!
What isn’t fine!
Mixing an adult sexual preference (LGB) with a self belief of biological sex.
To expect others to agree with you on your self determination.
To demand you get to choose your own pronouns and try to force others to use them.
To insist, your rights and privileges come before anyone else’s.
To push any sexuality or opinions onto minors.
The pictures below are child abuse.
People under 16 can not drink, smoke, have sex, drive, get a tattoo……. This list goes on. All for very good reasons.
Stop confusing children, life is difficult enough!
The stupidity of this used to be a joke.
Now its very serious!
The behaviour displayed here is shocking.
Questions must be asked around why these adult men, want to dance, parade and in general get close to children.
This video above is a serious one from the Daily Wire. Unfortunately, you can find many more like this and worse.