Assisted Dying/Suicide
Under strict circumstances, assisted suicide and euthanasia should be allowed in the UK.
We definitely need better palliative care, but I can't stand to see people suffer unnecessarily.
If in sound mind, as signed off by more than one clinical expert, it should be up to an individual and their choice to choose not to suffer or continue with life.
This should also be noted against the clear reality that life is all we have. One shot and that’s it. Unless you believe in reincarnation.
Going to Dignitas in another country is unacceptable to me. People can and will always do this if they feel strongly enough, but the the choice over our own lives should be ours as individuals to take.
Morphine can take the pain away, but can also numb the senses that make us human. If we are not who we are supposed to be, are dead anyway?
This is also noted for a state when someone is brain dead.
This is a huge issue and one that individual MPs should not be able to make a decision on.
Therefore, a referendum on this issue should be had. Let the people decide.