Welfare and being on the dole.

It is not the states responsibility, or the responsibility of all the tax payers, to work hard providing a lifestyle for those who choose not to work.
The current yearly spend is £100bn per year and growing. This is simply not sustainable. In fact, it spends more on these benefits than it does on education or national defence and policing. This isn’t fair, or right.

We propose radical changes here in order to bring this spend down and move as many as possible back into work. We have a lot of jobs available and listening to some, you would conclude we don’t have enough people to fill all these roles. This is a good argument for pro-immigration. However, the amount of people out of work is high and even unskilled labour is sometimes difficult for UK companies to find.

It is unacceptable that these benefits allow people to live a rather good lifestyle. People who live on benefits should not be going on holidays paid for by hard working people who often can’t afford holidays themselves. Mobile phones, computers all day, cigarettes and alcohol. All paid for by those working hard and struggling to pay bills. The situation is unacceptable!

This calls for drastic measures, but items will be in place to make sure nobody who is willing to work is left in a poor situation. Those willing can move directly to tier 4 by placing themselves on a list of availability to work. This might involve doing a few hours in a school, community service work, remote work with internet access as a back up or further observations on CCTV systems to protect vulnerable areas of society. Local social care work, helping local produce and companies. Even council maintenance work. This could also include helping teachers in schools with anything from children observations to cooking, cleaning and caring roles. (All child safety aspects in place!). Work could even include jury duties and help with other areas.

Our proposal is to give anyone not in work by choice, a payment card that can only be used for essential items of food and basic needs. Tier one would be for able bodied individuals that do not want to work. They would get basic use of electric and gas that will be paid for by the state as well as any housing and council tax costs. No luxury items, basics only. Clothes and all electric goods from recycling/upcycling centres, to promote sustainability goals and keep costs low. This may also incentivise people to move to Tier 4 by opting to contribute to society.

This would work by identifying cheaper suitable products for those individuals and making sure supermarkets and shops clearly marked these. The card would simply not allow any product not on the approved list. Entertainment, access to libraries and basic training courses would be free.

Stay at home parents will get the same with basic luxury Items for the children. They will also get one free UK holiday placement per year. This is for the child to gain experiences out-with their normal daily life. It is our opinion that no child should live in poverty because of the parent. This will be tier two.

However, no free child care will be provided by the state as it is not needed due to lack of work. This will also produce major savings.

It can be improved by either putting themselves on the list of availability to work, or becoming self employed such as setting up day care centres for children. Local government would support this with venues. After school/breakfast clubs. We would remove a lot of red tape in order for tier one and two individuals to become a valued part of society.

Tier three would be for individuals who have a working spouse, are in full time education or are temporarily out of work for a good specific reason. They would receive a basic level payment similar to what is on offer now dependant on circumstances.

Tier four, would need to do the minimum amount of work required but would be paid similar to how they are now. Meaning the living wage per hour of work as a yearly salary not taxable. It would also mean the funds are placed into their account to pay for things as they please/prioritise.

We have incentivised work by reducing tax. We also recognise that in this digital age, working from home is also an option that will be prioritised for those who are disabled.
Why all this? We see no point in the state giving people benefits money in order to pay council tax and other deductions from the state. The risk is always that they would choose not to pay the essentials and spend instead on luxuries to only later try deal with the consequences of their actions.
The idea behind this is that nobody would stay on the tier one or two benefits structure. That for benefits payments, they would do voluntary community work.
Why should anyone get something for nothing? Not only this, but that it would improve communities and really make the people involved feel valued and appreciated, improving both mental and physical health.

This does raise some questions however! Like how would you differentiate between what was classed as a job now and the volunteer work? Simply put, but further details will emerge; any work that has a requirement to be over the tier four level of payment must be classed as a job in of itself.
Is there a possibility that some jobs will no longer be needed due to volunteers? This might happen for a few unskilled jobs, but it then recognises that further jobs will be created managing the structures in place for people registered on the availability list.
It also raises issues such as it being a class system. Unfortunately, some people will always choose to not work, not be part of the communities and live in the most minimal of conditions. We as a political party want everyone to work hard for each other. For everyone to take on some form of responsibility and ownership of their own lives.

We want to end homelessness by introducing a hostel system to enable people to get back on their feet. Or to have a safe place to go if things aren’t going well. We envisage this being old converted barracks and starting from a point of Tier one.

Disabled people can as previously mentioned also be extremely productive members of society. A prime example of this from the founders point of view was a man with no legs arriving at a place of previous work, having driven an articulated lorry. Then getting out onto a harness system and opening up the wagon to allow us to remove a load of pallets with parts. Even disabled people in the home can do a fantastic job working remotely when needed. Inclusion for anyone with a disability should always be an aim and priority of help can and should be given to those with a disability.
Payments ands help in the form of benefits for disabled people, will remain the same with a view to increase over time.


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