Our Opposition Group
Why? We must never become those that we currently oppose!
What do we oppose in this regard?
The control of the media to direct the narrative by the government.
Why is this so important?
To avoid the mistakes and cost that history has show to have dire consequences.
The opposition advisory group
The party commits to a party opposition advisory group.
This allows us to constantly question decisions we make and opinions we have in order to at the very least, hear a counter argument.
The group will be made up of 18 people who are randomly chosen from anyone who puts their names forward.
Each member of the group must:
· Openly disagree with at least two of our constitutional beliefs and aims.
· Be able to speak in a debate in a calm and rational manor.
· Have the ability to always answer questions in a way that any layman would understand.
· Is willing to do research and present such, in order to back up any political position.
It is our belief that:
· Everything should not only be open to challenge in a rational and reasonable way. But that decision makers must hear challenges made. This is to confirm or make them re-think any ideas, processes or decisions.
· The opposition advisory group is done in an open forum.
· As per the constitution, any petition over 1% of the population in number must move to referendum.
· That just like now, any petition with over 10k signatures must get a government response and any over 100K get debated in parliament.
It should be noted that any elected official, must listen for a minimum of 10 minutes from each opposition group member.
A KEY point to remember here is you can not argue/debate/have dialogue with someone who isn’t rational. The old adage, you can't argue with stupid.
(Mark Twain)
We must try make sure people see what the government are doing in order to create positive change for everyone. However, you must always accept that some people are just too far gone. The Mainstream media and government have simply done far to good a job at convincing people what they want them to think. Credit where credit is due, just like the Nazi propaganda machine, they are experts at this. These are just some examples we have had lately with people who are not rational. But this does beg the question, how can they not see what we see very clearly?
Message in answers to be posted here. We genuinely want to know!
Maybe they:
Simply don’t have the ability to look at any other point of view. Bigoted
Know deep down what we say is true, but have difficulty accepting it or are scared to accept it openly. Weak, but understandable.
Are being paid or influenced by organisations such as hope not hate to insight hatred. What’s in it for me motive.
Genuinely believe that the government and the media can be trusted. Need to learn more history or simply read more.
We truly need to understand why these people think and speak the way they do.