A bit about Mark Tunnicliff

I grew up in a back to back terraced house in Bramley, Leeds with my mother and two younger sisters, so have not come from a wealthy background.
Having started working from a young age, I have always known the benefits of hard work.

During my time in the military, I purchased my first property, re-sat exams, went on multiple tours including Iraq and Afghanistan.
I spent time serving with the UN and was promoted to corporal.

After this my CV includes Social care management, Driving and waste collections, Procurement (becoming CIPS qualified) in Aviation, local and national government, Petro-chemicals and zero waste as well as the charity leisure industry. 

I am a family man with a 7 year old daughter and a wife who is a fantastic female role model.

I stand because I must use my vote, but can’t bring myself to vote for anyone else standing.
I want politics to be more focused, transparent and honest.

My key words are Accountability, experience, strength & hard work.

The following is part of my first ever speech at the Veterans and Peoples Party AGM.


This nation belongs to all who are a part of it. We all contribute in different ways and live together. When enough people make false promises, words stop meaning anything. Democracy must demand openness and honesty, reasons and referendums and facts in black and white that are understandable and available to all of us.
Today, one of the most important aspects is respect for different opinions. All of which should be open for reasonable challenge.

Mark Tunnicliff

Why do some people call me and others like me, “far right”?
There are a lot of labels flying around these days without the full knowledge and understanding that words actually do mean something.

To that end, having been called “Far Right” myself, I Mark Tunnicliff decided it was best to explain. 

This is the definition of “far right” by Wikipedia that I find accurate. 

Far-right politics, also referred to as the extreme right or right-wing extremism, are political beliefs and actions further to the right of the left–right political spectrum than the standard political right, particularly in terms of being radically conservativeultra-nationalist, and authoritarian, as well as having nativist ideologies and tendencies.

So, lets break this down and take a look.

·         Conservatism is a culturalsocial, and political philosophy that seeks to promote and to preserve traditional institutions, practices, and values. Conservatives seek to promote a range of social institutions such as the nuclear familyorganized religion, the militaryproperty rights, and monarchy.

Not sold on the idea of the Monarchy 100%, but I see nothing wrong with the values here.
A full family setting with a mother and father is statistically proven to be the best environment for a child. The nuclear family, (although I do not come from one myself!) is a core value that I practice in my adult life.
Freedom of religion is important, I have a Catholic background and values, but do not consider myself religious. Neither would I expect any UK government to promote any one religion. Recognising that the UKs foundations and culture is based on Christian values that many still hold.
Being ex-military myself (13 years Army) I would class this as a vitally important institution. 

·         Ultranationalism or extreme nationalism is an extreme form of nationalism in which a country asserts or maintains detrimental hegemonysupremacy, or other forms of control over other nations (usually through violent coercion) to pursue its specific interests

Not at all! Each Nation is unique in its own way and should be sovereign only to rule its own self and people. An example of this would be the Scottish independence argument. It is my opinion that in a group of nations such as the UK, any sovereign nation such as Scotland should have the right to choose. I am personally pro-union, but Scotland should be able to decide for itself as appropriate.

·         Authoritarianism is a political system characterized by the rejection of political plurality, the use of strong central power to preserve the political status quo, and reductions in the rule of lawseparation of powers, and democratic voting.

I don’t think a reduction in the amount of laws would be a bad thing, but maintain that all laws should govern all, evenly and fairly. Transparency is a key part of the ethos of this political party.
I am defiantly not Authoritarian. See rules in the constitution on referendums.
On a slightly different note, I actually find people nowadays who consider themself liberal, to actually be very authoritarian. Demanding that anyone who doesn’t agree with them is …….. Unfortunately the list of names goes on!

·         Nativism is the political policy of promoting or protecting the interests of native/indigenous or established inhabitants over those of immigrants, including the support of immigration-restriction measures.

I am definitely nativist. However, I would call this patriotic.
The government of this country should protect its inhabitants over that of economic migrants and immigrants. Inhabitants, just to be clear are anyone here legally, by invitation, on holiday (short term) or born here. This would not be based on creed, race or any other difference.

I have just taken the political compass test and I don’t think it is accurate.
However, it does show that I am in no way far right. The Red dot in the left image is the result I got. However, I would actually place myself on the black dot.

What it actually shows is something close to Nicola Sturgeon.
Clearly, I am definitely further right than Nicola (Thank god!) but also a lot more Liberal than most conservatives.

Who do I in the main (Not everything!) agree with?
Jorden Peterson, psychologist, author, and media commentator
Nigel Farage, British broadcaster and former politician
Tommy Robinson, (SYL) Journalist and Activist (No he isn’t racists!!)
David Kurten, Heritage Party Leader
Neil Oliver, GB news journalist
Donald Trump, American president and Business tycoon
Ben Shapero, conservative political pundit
Matt Walsh, political commentator
Tucker Carlson, TV news Anchor
Candice Owens, conservative author & talk show host
Dan Bongino, conservative author & talk show host
Andrew & Tristan Tate, British and American social media personality, businessman, and former professional kickboxer
Katie Hopkins, media personality, columnist, stand-up comedy and former businesswoman
Russell Brand, activist and campaigner.
Michael Knowles, Political commentator
Paul Thorpe, Youtuber and political commentator
Dan Wootton, Journalist and Broadcaster
Liam Tuffs, Youtuber and political commentator

I would be honoured to speak to, or be associated with any of these fantastic people.
We must however stop fighting amongst ourselves. We all believe in much the same sort of things and need to stop focusing on petty differences.

What do I think of the mainstream political parties?
The main problem with all mainstream political parties is the party whip system!

Conservative party The best of a very bad bunch of mainstream political parties. These mostly highly educated idiots are so far out of touch with actual people, that they could never be a solution. They have been promising to stop mass illegal immigration for the past few years now and failed. Let’s also never forget them locking us down while they had parties in number 10.

Labour are no longer for the working class and are always dire when in government with the constant fear they will simply run out of money and bankrupt the UK. They support the people out of work far too much, giving them no motivation to become the needed and fantastic members of society they could be. Kneeling for organisations such as BLM, who’s aims include de-funding the police and destroying the nuclear family. This is in direct contrast to what I value and stand for.

The Liberal Democrats are woke and will blindly follow the narrative for power. They accept gender ideology and want to re-join the EU. An undemocratic, authoritarian entity that the UK decided to leave. Far too liberal and actually un-democratic.

SNP A political party with one single aim, Scottish independence. Their record in government is shameful in key areas such as Education and the NHS. They have financial issues and the infighting is currently clear for all to see. They are also woke and want to re-join the EU. They blame everything on Westminster, and make so many promises that it is hard to keep up with all the things they haven’t done. For example, getting elected to power in the first place with a promise to abolish the poll tax. You’ve been in power long enough now SNP, still waiting!

Unfortunately, they are all doing deals in the background and on many levels, agree with each other behind closed doors on political correctness gone mad. From the war in Ukraine to the hatred of an elected American president, they act as one in the most unprofessional manor.
If you agree that politics needs to change, then that change doesn’t come with any of these political parties.

It might however come from current smaller political parties like: Reclaim party, Reform UK, Heritage party & many more sensible political parties.   

In Summary
I tick the box for conservatism but not radical and I am very patriotic so would fall under nativism.
But I am definitely not an ultra-nationalist or authoritarian. I might fall on the right of politics, but could not be accurately labelled “far right” in any way.

I believe in facts playing a vital role and hearing both sides of a debate.
Having a Catholic background, I base myself on some Christian values. That being said, I am actually agnostic and think religion being a personal thing, should have no place in politics.

I believe you should never re-define meanings of words, as to do so completely shuts down discussion. For example, Men cannot become women and women cannot become men.
Freedoms are key to my belief system and this means the right to do what you want, when you want. This liberal approach applies to everyone, and respect for the real nature of society is paramount.
You don’t get to impede on others, and you should expect the same in return. Real liberalism.

The state should have no say in parental decisions (up to 16) and only then intervene in cases of actual physical danger.  
Schools should respect the wishes of all parents and Police should prioritise real crimes.
The state should provide only the basics for anyone (Not a lifestyle) and be a lot more transparent.

My Opinions

Some of my opinions could seem rather harsh, take clothing for the Tier 1 welfare proposal for example. Using recycled and upcycled clothing. I have used second hand clothing as I have grown up. One of my best shirts, that I would have actually never been able to afford brand new, was found in a charity shop. Also most suits I owned when younger didn’t fit well and were again second hand. We have a lot of good quality clothing, even some that has never been worn, available in charity shops. This is to keep cost low, maintain some sustainability concept and make sure that everyone has access to all types of clothing they need.
Even in the military, I got second hand issued uniform. Some of it was fantastic and much appreciated on a cold night out on military exercise.
In my opinion, if it was good enough for me, it should be for anyone else.

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